Industry Specifications
Architectural Facades Unlimited is an award winning APA Certified Plant.
Why is this important to you?
The Architectural Precast Industry’s reputation is on the line each time architectural precast products are delivered to a job site. Equally in the balance is the reputation of the designer and owner who have specified architectural precast. When so much is at stake, the question often arises prior to accepting bids… “Who has the ability to produce high quality work?”
The APA Plant Certification Program was developed and written by architectural precasts for architectural precasts to ensure that claims of potential quality are fully substantiated. Standards set by ACI, ASTM, AWS, CSI, and PCI are referenced throughout the Program. APA Certification is a serious examination of a plant’s ability to uphold the high standards of quality set by the Architectural Precast Association which is dedicated solely for the betterment of the architectural precast industry.
The APA Certificate, signifying successful completion of the APA Plant Certification Program, is the specifier’s assurance of a plant’s ability to produce the highest quality architectural precast products.
Advantages of APA Plant Certification
-Specifiers are assured of quality potential
-Provides a system of production checks and balances
-Ensures procedural compliance
-Quality control programs are visibly evidenced
APA Specifications:
The Architectural Precast Association is recognized for Quality Assurance by premier specification resources including the American Institute of Architects' MasterSpec and the Unified Facility Guide; the specification used by the Armed Forces and NASA.
MasterSpec 4720 Cast Stone: Click Here.
MasterSpec 3490 Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Click Here.
Unified Facilities Guide Specification: Click Here.